
Why is Ragdoll like a fairy but recognized as a large cat?

In the classification of cats, Ragdolls are classified as large cats.
Firstly, the average weight of a Ragdoll is between 10 and 20 kilograms, making it a relatively large cat. Compared to other cats, they have a stronger body, well-developed muscles, and a strong skeleton.

The body shape of a Ragdoll is rectangular, with a round head, plump cheeks, a short and wide nose, large and round eyes, a thick neck, strong limbs, and a moderately long tail. These characteristics all make the Ragdoll look more burly and robust than the average medium-sized cat.

Secondly, the dietary needs of Ragdolls also reflect the fact that they are large cats. Due to their relatively large bodies, Ragdolls need more nutrients to maintain their health.
In general, the diet of Ragdolls needs to contain high-quality protein, fat, carbohydrates, and vitamins to ensure that their muscles and bones are fully supported and developed. If puppets are given an inadequate diet, they may experience health problems such as obesity, heart disease, and arthritis.

Finally, the behavior of Ragdolls is also consistent with the characteristics of large cats. Ragdolls often have a friendly, kinship, and gentle personality, as well as a strong curiosity and desire to play. Although puppets are large, they generally do not cause harm to humans, but tend to be in close contact with humans. In addition, Ragdolls often exhibit the ability to think independently and independently, which are typical behavioral characteristics of large cats.
In summary, from the perspective of body size, dietary needs, and behavioral characteristics, Ragdolls do exhibit the characteristics of large cats. Although different cat associations may classify Ragdolls differently, most cat associations classify Ragdolls as large cats considering their body size, dietary needs, and behavioral characteristics.

Post time: Mar-17-2023