
Bentonite cat litter: a mainstream pet product with continuous global demand growth

Bentonite cat litter is a pet cat product made of bentonite, which has good water absorption and deodorization properties. Bentonite cat litter is widely used globally and has become an important component of the pet product market.

According to research data from the pet market, the global cat litter market is constantly expanding, and it is expected that by 2026, the global cat litter market size will reach 2.29 billion US dollars. As the mainstream product in the market, the demand for bentonite cat litter is also constantly increasing. The main countries producing bentonite cat litter include the United States, Canada, China, Australia, Mexico, etc. Among them, the United States has the highest output, accounting for more than 70% of the global total output.

The production and sales of bentonite cat litter have become an industry with enormous commercial value. According to statistics, the United States and Canada are the world’s largest exporters of bentonite cat litter, while China and Australia are also continuously increasing their exports. As people’s attention to pets continues to increase, the demand for bentonite cat litter in the global market will also continue to increase.

In addition to traditional bentonite cat litter, some new cat litter products have also emerged in recent years, such as sawdust cat litter, crystal cat litter, etc. The emergence of these new products has given consumers more choices when choosing cat litter, and has also brought certain changes to the market. However, due to its high price, it has not yet fully replaced the market position of bentonite cat litter.

Overall, bentonite cat litter is a widely used pet product worldwide, with a high and growing market demand. With the continuous progress of technology and the increasing awareness of pet health and environmental protection, the bentonite cat litter market will still have broad development space in the future. At the same time, both manufacturers and consumers should be aware that the importance placed on the quality and environmental friendliness of cat litter plays an important role in promoting the development of the industry.

Post time: Apr-09-2023